Router Next Six Months Roadmap

As we enter the final stretch of 2024, Router Protocol is preparing for some big changes. Over the next six months, we’re focused on expanding our ecosystem, strengthening security, and creating a more user-friendly experience across multiple chains.

Before we dive in, we must add a disclaimer that Web3 roadmaps are tough. The industry changes so fast, and the pace of technology progression here is very rapid — that makes it almost impossible to share a very long-term roadmap, so we are here with a six-month roadmap!

From integrating key blockchains like Solana and Bitcoin to extending security with Ethereum restaking, we’re not just building for today — we are building the foundational infrastructure for chain abstraction. The first requirement of this journey was to launch Router Chain mainnet so we could integrate multiple networks in a purely decentralized way. Now that it is done, we can focus on the next leg of our journey, during which we will expand our offerings.

Here’s what the next six months look like and why you should be excited to join us on this journey -

(PS: this isn’t the whole story, we’ll be adding even more ecosystems and platforms along the way as new partnerships and opportunities come)

September: Breaking Bread with Solana and Near

Key Highlights:

  • Chain Integrations: Solana and Near
  • Router Chain Enhancements: Integration with EigenLayer (Testnet)
  • CCIF: Osmosis integration and cross-chain liquidity providing into pools
  • Router Nitro Bridge: Solana and Near integration.

September is shaping up to be exciting as we progress toward connecting even more ecosystems. First up, Solana and Near are being integrated with Router Chain. Both chains represent the leading edge of DeFi and high-speed transactions, and their addition will enhance our network’s reach significantly. Near has already been part of our beta-mainnet; in the next few weeks, it’ll also be on the mainnet.

On the security side, Router Chain will integrate with Eigen Layer (in Testnet). This integration will allow Router Chain to act as an AVS, strengthening the network security via ETH restaking while ensuring decentralization

We would be the first PoS chain in Cosmos ecosystem to leverage the security of Ethereum via EigenLayer.

Meanwhile, CCIF (Cross-chain Intent Framework), a pluggable intent layer enabling the creation of chain abstracted dApps is entering into the Cosmos ecosystem through integration with Osmosis. Additionally, we’re extending cross-chain DEX LP providing capabilities on Nuri, Nile, and Thena, bringing greater opportunities for liquidity providers and traders across chains. For Nitro, expect a similar expansion with Solana and Near joining the Nitro bridge.

October: Expanding Horizons with Sui, Self Chain, and Bitcoin

Key Highlights:

  • Chain Integrations: Sui, Self Chain, and Bitcoin (tentative)
  • CCIF: Launch of Intent XP for user engagement
  • Router Nitro Bridge: Revamped UI and Sui, Self Chain, and Bitcoin (tentative) integration

October is all about deepening our cross-chain capabilities while making it easier for users to engage with Router Protocol’s products. We’ll be adding Sui, a Layer 1 blockchain focused on fast, secure digital asset ownership, and Self Chain, an intent-centric access L1 blockchain, to our ecosystem.

The cross-chain potential gets further boosted with tentative mainnet integration for Bitcoin, allowing Router to possibly tap into one of the largest and most liquid ecosystems. Bitcoin continues to dominate our industry with more than 50% of the entire market-cap, and yet, from an interoperability point of view — it remains largely untapped. This will change.

For CCIF, we’re launching Intent XP, an interesting new feature that will reward both users and developers for engaging with Intent adapters. Whether you’re building on or interacting with Router Protocol’s cross-chain solutions, Intent XP will keep you incentivized and involved.

On the Nitro side, users can look forward to a revamped UI that enhances usability, making it more intuitive to engage with cross-chain swaps. More details are on the way, but the fascinating thing is that a new feature will enable users to get gas on multiple chains with a single click. There will be a lot more here; stay tuned.

Additionally, the Nitro Bridge will welcome Sui, Self Chain, and Bitcoin (tentative) further expanding the universe of connected chains.

November: Gamification, Exploration, and Starknet’s Entry

Key Highlights:

  • Chain Integrations: Starknet and Casper
  • Router Chain Enhancements: Integration with Symbiotic
  • CCIF: Launch of the Intent Explorer
  • Router Nitro Bridge: Gamification features and Starknet integration

In November, Router Protocol will focus on integrating Starknet and Casper with Router Chain enabling seamless message transfer between Casper, Starknet, and more than 25+ EVMs and Non-EVMs. Starknet is a ZK-Rollup Layer 2 on Ethereum, while Casper is a public blockchain offering instant finality, low costs, and easy development.

On the security front, Router Chain will integrate with Symbiotic which will empower Router Chain to enhance network security while giving builders control over (re)staking in a decentralized, permissionless manner.

The month will also introduce the Intent Explorer for CCIF. This new tool will offer transparency to users, allowing them to explore the full range of Router Intent Adapters and POCs with a better understanding of cross-chain transactions.

For Nitro, the exciting addition is gamification. We’re introducing a gamified experience, designed to make interacting with Nitro not just functional but fun. Along with this, Starknet and Casper will be integrated into the Nitro bridge, opening up new possibilities for seamless cross-chain transactions.

December: Wrapping Up 2024 with Algorand, TON, and the Router Chain Internal feig Mainnet

Key Highlights:

  • Chain Integrations: Algorand and TON
  • Router Chain Enhancements: Internal Mainnet launch for EigenLayer AVS
  • Router Nitro Bridge: Algorand and TON integration

As 2024 draws to a close, we’re pulling out all the stops to finish strong. December brings the integration of Algorand and TON. Algorand offers energy efficiency, instant finality, and low fees, while TON functions as a distributed supercomputer supporting decentralized internet services.

With these chains joining the Router ecosystem, we’re ensuring that developers and users alike can access a wider variety of networks and use cases.

The Internal Mainnet launch for Router Chain AVS marks a huge step for us. This launch will take the security model we’ve been building with Eigen Layer and make it live, protecting cross-chain transactions with the power of ETH restaking. For Nitro, expect a similar expansion with Algorand and TON joining the Nitro bridge.

January: Aptos, Bitcoin Research, and Router Chain Public AVS Mainnet

Key Highlights:

  • Chain Integrations: Aptos
  • Router Chain Enhancements: Public Mainnet launch for AVS and Research into extending Bitcoin security to Cosmos chains
  • CCIF: Pipelines on the Intent Store
  • Router Nitro Bridge: Aptos integration

We’ll start by integrating Aptos into our ecosystem, Aptos is a Layer 1 blockchain focused on safety and scalability, driving growth in a decentralized network and developer ecosystem.

Most notably, January 2025 will see the Public Mainnet launch for Router Chain AVS, extending the ETH restaking-powered security model beyond our internal use to the broader Router community.

In terms of security, we’ll begin research into extending Bitcoin’s security model to Cosmos chains, exploring new ways to enhance cross-chain trust and reliability.

For CCIF, expect the launch of Pipelines on the Intent Store, enabling developers to streamline intent creation and deployment. Nitro will continue to grow with Aptos integration, allowing for seamless transactions between Aptos and the broader Router ecosystem.

February: Movement Labs, Supra, and the Future of Cross-Chain Simulation

Key Highlights:

  • Chain Integrations: Movement Labs and Supra
  • Router Chain Enhancements: TSS signature model
  • CCIF: Launch of Intent Transaction Simulator
  • Router Nitro Bridge: Movement Labs and Supra integration

We’ll round off the six-month roadmap in February with two exciting integrations: Movement Labs and Supra, further expanding Router Protocol’s cross-chain reach. Movement Labs focuses on building a network of Move-based blockchains and open-source tools for the Move language, while Supra is a high-performing, vertically integrated Layer 1 blockchain.

For Router Chain, we’re improving validator efficiency through a TSS signature model, making orchestrator and validator signatures more efficient and streamlined. This upgrade will ensure faster and more secure processing of cross-chain transactions.

Finally, we’ll launch the Intent Transaction Simulator for CCIF. This feature will give users the ability to simulate and debug cross-chain transactions, offering transparency and control over the entire process. Nitro will expand with the addition of Movement Network chains and Supra.


The next six months are going to be very important for Router Protocol as we take significant steps toward making true chain abstraction and cross-chain interoperability a reality.

From integrating new chains and boosting security with ETH restaking to rolling out features that make the user experience more engaging, we’re focused on creating a seamless, connected blockchain ecosystem. As we continue to build toward a future where blockchains work together effortlessly, we’re excited to have you with us on this journey.

Whether you’re a developer or a user, we’re building something that will change how you experience DeFi and cross-chain applications, and we can’t wait for what’s to come.


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